all postcodes in PL18 / CALSTOCK

find any address or company within the PL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL18 9QF 0 50.497167 -4.206096
PL18 9QG 0 50.497436 -4.204726
PL18 9QH 0 50.498483 -4.207245
PL18 9QJ 0 50.498896 -4.208799
PL18 9QL 1 50.496734 -4.204708
PL18 9QN 0 50.495875 -4.202949
PL18 9QP 0 50.495963 -4.204108
PL18 9QQ 0 50.499672 -4.205832
PL18 9QR 0 50.495885 -4.205401
PL18 9QS 0 50.495745 -4.204732
PL18 9QT 2 50.496384 -4.207046
PL18 9QW 0 50.495543 -4.200168
PL18 9QX 1 50.497229 -4.209426
PL18 9QY 0 50.497591 -4.210165
PL18 9QZ 0 50.497701 -4.211467
PL18 9RJ 0 50.49785 -4.210837
PL18 9RA 0 50.498979 -4.213908
PL18 9RB 0 50.497813 -4.206647
PL18 9RD 0 50.498346 -4.212555
PL18 9RE 0 50.49868 -4.212159