all postcodes in PL24 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL24 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL24 / PAR

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL24 2BP 1 50.346222 -4.705816
PL24 2BS 0 50.349996 -4.709082
PL24 2BT 0 50.349338 -4.709916
PL24 2BU 0 50.34885 -4.708075
PL24 2BX 0 50.348983 -4.710078
PL24 2BY 0 50.348377 -4.711632
PL24 2BZ 0 50.34932 -4.708368
PL24 2DA 0 50.346585 -4.717238
PL24 2DB 3 50.347692 -4.721841
PL24 2DD 1 50.349446 -4.721857
PL24 2DE 0 50.347921 -4.720491
PL24 2DF 0 50.348537 -4.721102
PL24 2DG 0 50.35121 -4.718345
PL24 2DH 0 50.352141 -4.70157
PL24 2DJ 3 50.35628 -4.705235
PL24 2DL 0 50.351855 -4.7173
PL24 2DN 0 50.350718 -4.712047
PL24 2DP 0 50.350465 -4.71826
PL24 2DR 0 50.351094 -4.712518
PL24 2DS 2 50.352039 -4.719447