all postcodes in PL24 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL24 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL24 / PAR

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL24 2AA 0 50.351803 -4.692469
PL24 2AD 0 50.350996 -4.706327
PL24 2AE 2 50.352321 -4.705798
PL24 2AF 5 50.351069 -4.703969
PL24 2AG 3 50.351281 -4.700649
PL24 2AH 3 50.352954 -4.700125
PL24 2AJ 2 50.355628 -4.702077
PL24 2AL 0 50.352347 -4.699262
PL24 2AN 0 50.351575 -4.697292
PL24 2AP 0 50.351177 -4.691168
PL24 2AQ 3 50.352751 -4.700494
PL24 2AR 2 50.349991 -4.688388
PL24 2AS 2 50.348576 -4.696109
PL24 2AT 0 50.350728 -4.690735
PL24 2AU 0 50.352004 -4.695475
PL24 2AW 0 50.351211 -4.69356
PL24 2AX 0 50.362803 -4.715338
PL24 2AY 0 50.353991 -4.70093
PL24 2BB 16 50.350406 -4.709105
PL24 2BD 1 50.349624 -4.707303