all postcodes in PL24 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL24 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL24 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL24 2DT 0 50.351699 -4.722028
PL24 2DU 0 50.350679 -4.720297
PL24 2DW 0 50.350538 -4.71475
PL24 2DX 2 50.350109 -4.722964
PL24 2DY 0 50.35066 -4.724921
PL24 2DZ 0 50.351505 -4.72497
PL24 2EA 0 50.349743 -4.724911
PL24 2EB 0 50.351606 -4.72603
PL24 2EE 2 50.350861 -4.727857
PL24 2EF 2 50.350118 -4.729642
PL24 2EG 0 50.348793 -4.731267
PL24 2EH 0 50.355437 -4.729511
PL24 2EJ 0 50.350283 -4.724886
PL24 2EL 0 50.348998 -4.715998
PL24 2EN 0 50.34972 -4.716686
PL24 2EP 0 50.348471 -4.71892
PL24 2EQ 0 50.350808 -4.729372
PL24 2ER 0 50.34956 -4.719263
PL24 2ES 0 50.351053 -4.722357
PL24 2ET 0 50.349567 -4.722806