all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 5NL 0 50.341159 -4.80181
PL25 5NN 0 50.341039 -4.799667
PL25 5NP 0 50.341502 -4.798373
PL25 5NQ 0 50.341497 -4.80346
PL25 5NR 0 50.339904 -4.800134
PL25 5NS 0 50.340482 -4.798537
PL25 5NT 0 50.339956 -4.799097
PL25 5NU 0 50.339553 -4.798651
PL25 5NW 0 50.340766 -4.799088
PL25 5NX 0 50.34293 -4.805935
PL25 5NY 0 50.342502 -4.807638
PL25 5NZ 0 50.339939 -4.80053
PL25 5PA 1 50.338328 -4.794208
PL25 5PE 7 50.337923 -4.792611
PL25 5PH 1 50.337741 -4.792445
PL25 5PQ 9 50.337807 -4.792197
PL25 5PL 1 50.338153 -4.792751
PL25 5PN 1 50.338132 -4.794534
PL25 5PW 1 50.3383 -4.792787
PL25 5PX 12 50.338152 -4.793313