all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 5RH 0 50.351973 -4.809435
PL25 5RJ 5 50.353272 -4.79624
PL25 5RQ 0 50.347891 -4.798187
PL25 5RR 1 50.349884 -4.795338
PL25 5RS 0 50.351318 -4.795295
PL25 5RT 0 50.352378 -4.796861
PL25 5RU 0 50.35314 -4.792379
PL25 5RX 0 50.355116 -4.788122
PL25 5RY 0 50.358 -4.784748
PL25 5SA 0 50.340589 -4.816057
PL25 5SG 0 50.339854 -4.818558
PL25 5SH 1 50.340557 -4.818121
PL25 5SJ 0 50.33982 -4.815154
PL25 5SL 2 50.340188 -4.818521
PL25 5SN 0 50.339325 -4.815153
PL25 5SP 0 50.338895 -4.816801
PL25 5SQ 0 50.338389 -4.815913
PL25 5SR 0 50.338413 -4.814805
PL25 5SS 0 50.340042 -4.814535
PL25 5TJ 0 50.344603 -4.827835