all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 5PY 6 50.338177 -4.794874
PL25 5QA 2 50.339179 -4.792376
PL25 5QB 4 50.339036 -4.792479
PL25 5QD 2 50.338977 -4.793038
PL25 5QE 2 50.339768 -4.79345
PL25 5QJ 0 50.340817 -4.793104
PL25 5QF 0 50.339607 -4.792653
PL25 5QG 0 50.34143 -4.794518
PL25 5QH 0 50.342256 -4.795451
PL25 5QL 0 50.341587 -4.793739
PL25 5QN 0 50.341768 -4.79219
PL25 5QP 0 50.344893 -4.79167
PL25 5QQ 0 50.341893 -4.79446
PL25 5QW 0 50.341504 -4.793453
PL25 5RA 0 50.341944 -4.810248
PL25 5RB 0 50.345246 -4.81653
PL25 5RD 0 50.350101 -4.823706
PL25 5RE 0 50.352569 -4.818651
PL25 5RF 0 50.347913 -4.809293
PL25 5RG 1 50.353956 -4.806388