all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1HR 4 0 50.469239 -4.719263
PL31 1HT 11 2 50.461443 -4.712644
PL31 1HW 24 0 50.471411 -4.725249
PL31 1HY 41 0 50.470464 -4.726916
PL31 1JA 32 0 50.470535 -4.723862
PL31 1JB 12 0 50.470114 -4.723387
PL31 1JD 15 0 50.469413 -4.721444
PL31 1JE 31 0 50.469376 -4.723429
PL31 1JF 81 0 50.468897 -4.721597
PL31 1JG 21 0 50.470611 -4.724839
PL31 1JH 33 0 50.470196 -4.72948
PL31 1JJ 26 1 50.470423 -4.728267
PL31 1JL 28 0 50.469287 -4.727596
PL31 1JN 14 0 50.469564 -4.728852
PL31 1JQ 22 1 50.469673 -4.724924
PL31 1JS 38 6 50.471478 -4.728159
PL31 1JT 26 1 50.47152 -4.730177
PL31 1JU 10 0 50.470862 -4.724134
PL31 1JW 59 4 50.471165 -4.728434
PL31 1JX 4 0 50.470898 -4.73062