all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1JY 8 0 50.470772 -4.732163
PL31 1JZ 2 1 50.471567 -4.731234
PL31 1LA 21 0 50.47105 -4.731432
PL31 1LB 10 1 50.470462 -4.732723
PL31 1LD 5 1 50.471194 -4.730679
PL31 1LE 4 0 50.468462 -4.729042
PL31 1LF 6 0 50.468336 -4.735926
PL31 1LG 8 0 50.468807 -4.728526
PL31 1LH 8 0 50.471127 -4.731972
PL31 1LJ 8 0 50.471055 -4.732727
PL31 1LL 1 0 50.47111 -4.733465
PL31 1LN 21 1 50.470621 -4.733254
PL31 1LP 20 0 50.46944 -4.730282
PL31 1LQ 2 0 50.46921 -4.72897
PL31 1LT 1 1 50.469208 -4.728676
PL31 1LU 4 0 50.468513 -4.72838
PL31 1LW 12 2 50.469912 -4.732409
PL31 1LX 36 0 50.469054 -4.731387
PL31 1LY 20 0 50.468944 -4.729943
PL31 1NA 24 0 50.467932 -4.735142