all postcodes in PL7 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL7 4SR 3 0 50.408459 -4.072952
PL7 4SY 11 0 50.391995 -4.071178
PL7 4TA 21 18 50.395201 -4.040419
PL7 4TB 9 5 50.392448 -4.082326
PL7 4YH 1 0 50.391855 -4.050166
PL7 4WZ 1 50.391855 -4.050166
PL7 4WY 0 50.391855 -4.050166
PL7 4RN 0 50.395545 -4.06676
PL7 4RW 57 0 50.394701 -4.079794
PL7 4NJ 54 0 50.392519 -4.059917
PL7 4FD 17 15 50.393869 -4.041248
PL7 4FA 13 0 50.391158 -4.059577
PL7 4FE 21 50.393762 -4.042482
PL7 4FB 2 1 50.392239 -4.080432