all postcodes in PL7 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL7 4LY 15 0 50.397751 -4.065618
PL7 4LZ 9 0 50.397613 -4.063768
PL7 4NA 11 0 50.389774 -4.064595
PL7 4NB 23 0 50.390168 -4.066723
PL7 4ND 21 0 50.390605 -4.069429
PL7 4NE 3 3 50.391133 -4.072097
PL7 4NF 2 2 50.389722 -4.066239
PL7 4NH 1 1 50.392237 -4.04841
PL7 4NR 22 0 50.39146 -4.077458
PL7 4NT 44 0 50.390584 -4.066558
PL7 4NU 42 0 50.39128 -4.068896
PL7 4NW 7 6 50.390954 -4.08236
PL7 4NX 14 4 50.391337 -4.065704
PL7 4NY 28 0 50.391715 -4.067198
PL7 4NZ 31 0 50.391754 -4.069057
PL7 4PA 8 0 50.391139 -4.065175
PL7 4PD 6 0 50.39717 -4.066971
PL7 4PE 48 0 50.389761 -4.059713
PL7 4PF 54 0 50.397671 -4.068625
PL7 4PG 16 1 50.391895 -4.070752