all postcodes in PL7 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL7 4HS 0 50.396292 -4.061699
PL7 4HT 0 50.396352 -4.059295
PL7 4HU 0 50.396998 -4.063488
PL7 4HW 0 50.395642 -4.057252
PL7 4HX 0 50.396935 -4.061712
PL7 4HY 0 50.396643 -4.059139
PL7 4HZ 0 50.397034 -4.056876
PL7 4JA 0 50.396698 -4.054991
PL7 4JB 0 50.39773 -4.060256
PL7 4JD 0 50.397412 -4.056879
PL7 4JE 0 50.398201 -4.058545
PL7 4JF 0 50.398189 -4.056153
PL7 4JG 0 50.39788 -4.054802
PL7 4JH 23 50.396073 -4.041722
PL7 4JL 8 50.396875 -4.0455
PL7 4JP 3 50.38939 -4.059866
PL7 4JQ 0 50.397609 -4.061503
PL7 4JR 3 50.38975 -4.059319
PL7 4JT 0 50.390105 -4.061627
PL7 4JU 1 50.390596 -4.061817