all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 9DJ 1 50.359199 -4.094411
PL9 9DL 1 50.358939 -4.095355
PL9 9DN 1 50.358127 -4.097021
PL9 9DP 0 50.358303 -4.097731
PL9 9DR 0 50.357446 -4.097384
PL9 9DS 0 50.356717 -4.098913
PL9 9DT 0 50.356109 -4.098211
PL9 9DU 0 50.355771 -4.098955
PL9 9DW 0 50.358948 -4.096382
PL9 9DX 0 50.355479 -4.099716
PL9 9DZ 0 50.354844 -4.098213
PL9 9EA 0 50.354894 -4.098748
PL9 9EB 0 50.355783 -4.097311
PL9 9ED 0 50.355904 -4.096571
PL9 9EE 0 50.356766 -4.097186
PL9 9EF 0 50.357069 -4.096327
PL9 9EG 0 50.357682 -4.095272
PL9 9EH 0 50.358902 -4.093962
PL9 9EJ 0 50.358236 -4.095451
PL9 9EL 0 50.355823 -4.095583