all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 9JD 0 50.350748 -4.086729
PL9 9JE 0 50.351807 -4.086339
PL9 9JF 0 50.350255 -4.085625
PL9 9JG 0 50.350511 -4.083415
PL9 9JH 0 50.351376 -4.083818
PL9 9JJ 0 50.352488 -4.087522
PL9 9JL 1 50.352141 -4.089306
PL9 9JN 0 50.352352 -4.087038
PL9 9JP 0 50.351068 -4.088444
PL9 9JQ 0 50.350947 -4.084629
PL9 9JR 0 50.352263 -4.0865
PL9 9JS 0 50.355637 -4.086465
PL9 9JT 0 50.356338 -4.087494
PL9 9JU 0 50.356377 -4.088803
PL9 9JW 0 50.352462 -4.08291
PL9 9JX 0 50.35574 -4.089211
PL9 9JY 0 50.356001 -4.090221
PL9 9JZ 0 50.355104 -4.092557
PL9 9LA 0 50.354991 -4.090331
PL9 9LB 0 50.354798 -4.096087