all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 9HD 1 50.355259 -4.08396
PL9 9HE 0 50.355339 -4.087999
PL9 9HF 0 50.355048 -4.087705
PL9 9HG 0 50.354258 -4.088626
PL9 9HH 0 50.353924 -4.09169
PL9 9HJ 0 50.353421 -4.091626
PL9 9HL 0 50.35384 -4.088847
PL9 9HN 0 50.353476 -4.085753
PL9 9HP 1 50.352541 -4.08557
PL9 9HQ 0 50.354232 -4.090045
PL9 9HR 0 50.352775 -4.086059
PL9 9HS 0 50.355107 -4.0864
PL9 9HT 0 50.353426 -4.08686
PL9 9HU 0 50.353012 -4.089373
PL9 9HW 0 50.354133 -4.085556
PL9 9HX 1 50.352777 -4.088618
PL9 9HY 0 50.353456 -4.088689
PL9 9HZ 0 50.35339 -4.093045
PL9 9JA 0 50.353078 -4.092707
PL9 9JB 0 50.353164 -4.083419