all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 0QD 1 0 50.813416 -0.967003
PO11 0QE 21 1 50.810532 -0.975526
PO11 0QG 10 5 50.806032 -0.972202
PO11 0QH 22 0 50.796754 -0.985675
PO11 0QJ 16 0 50.796435 -0.986249
PO11 0QL 10 2 50.798868 -0.983742
PO11 0QN 5 0 50.800927 -0.979482
PO11 0QP 11 0 50.790825 -0.987434
PO11 0QQ 1 1 50.805253 -0.971384
PO11 0QR 13 1 50.794495 -0.98649
PO11 0QS 1 1 50.796323 -0.984691
PO11 0QT 5 0 50.797552 -0.984394
PO11 0QU 13 1 50.798942 -0.98286
PO11 0QW 4 3 50.802278 -0.977919
PO11 0QX 6 1 50.800116 -0.98052
PO11 0QY 14 0 50.797394 -0.985888
PO11 0QZ 8 0 50.798356 -0.982688
PO11 0RA 29 0 50.79262 -0.987055
PO11 0RB 36 0 50.791785 -0.987158
PO11 0RD 4 0 50.793508 -0.985731