all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 0PB 1 1 50.801281 -0.96456
PO11 0PD 58 0 50.799523 -0.972276
PO11 0PE 58 1 50.798155 -0.973086
PO11 0PG 68 0 50.799382 -0.974578
PO11 0PH 8 0 50.799194 -0.973688
PO11 0PJ 1 0 50.846934 -0.943152
PO11 0PL 16 0 50.822568 -0.97999
PO11 0PN 28 0 50.822632 -0.978072
PO11 0PP 4 0 50.798292 -0.983641
PO11 0PQ 35 0 50.798825 -0.974675
PO11 0PR 3 0 50.803492 -0.974644
PO11 0PS 1 1 50.807068 -0.976354
PO11 0PT 35 4 50.811643 -0.977063
PO11 0PU 2 0 50.810072 -0.977536
PO11 0PW 13 0 50.822963 -0.979882
PO11 0PX 9 0 50.806127 -0.974586
PO11 0PY 15 1 50.811072 -0.976564
PO11 0PZ 28 0 50.815247 -0.975806
PO11 0QA 7 0 50.81138 -0.975777
PO11 0QB 24 4 50.813342 -0.970055