all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 0JX 46 0 50.79838 -0.985497
PO11 0JY 17 0 50.794818 -0.990569
PO11 0LA 5 0 50.796578 -0.987154
PO11 0LB 21 0 50.796262 -0.989062
PO11 0LD 17 0 50.79835 -0.989258
PO11 0LE 25 1 50.816339 -0.9795
PO11 0LF 14 0 50.818278 -0.981119
PO11 0LG 13 2 50.823045 -0.982138
PO11 0LH 12 0 50.816054 -0.978627
PO11 0LJ 40 0 50.818898 -0.979957
PO11 0LL 1 0 50.817581 -0.980454
PO11 0LN 27 2 50.823907 -0.980912
PO11 0LP 1 1 50.831146 -0.977815
PO11 0LR 20 0 50.81677 -0.977376
PO11 0LS 6 0 50.81711 -0.97822
PO11 0LT 2 0 50.817598 -0.979515
PO11 0LU 26 0 50.821878 -0.97921
PO11 0LW 2 1 50.829187 -0.979106
PO11 0LX 39 0 50.824032 -0.978808
PO11 0LY 35 0 50.824795 -0.975526