all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 8WB 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 8XB 42 0 50.826751 -0.786567
PO19 8XH 2 0 50.825563 -0.773578
PO19 8XZ 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 8ZJ 1 0 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 8ZQ 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 8ZZ 1 1 50.830587 -0.787879
PO19 8EY 0 50.829835 -0.780458
PO19 8SE 1 50.831874 -0.785389
PO19 8TT 5 50.829949 -0.7871
PO19 8PN 6 50.830631 -0.75874
PO19 8TG 0 50.823337 -0.792056
PO19 8TJ 0 50.822882 -0.792408
PO19 8EW 0 50.830355 -0.780316
PO19 8ET 10 9 50.830429 -0.756658
PO19 8EZ 5 50.831686 -0.783789
PO19 8FB 1 1 50.832914 -0.780832
PO19 8FA 61 0 50.826816 -0.770469
PO19 8FD 0 50.829823 -0.781864
PO19 8FF 0 50.827684 -0.781247