all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 8DE 21 0 50.830598 -0.773508
PO19 8DF 33 0 50.83078 -0.774526
PO19 8DG 2 2 50.832145 -0.78035
PO19 8DH 2 2 50.832224 -0.781029
PO19 8DJ 7 7 50.832572 -0.78077
PO19 8DL 2 2 50.831991 -0.781959
PO19 8DN 4 4 50.832374 -0.781693
PO19 8DP 4 0 50.83106 -0.782385
PO19 8DQ 4 2 50.832004 -0.780614
PO19 8DR 18 0 50.831125 -0.783463
PO19 8DS 14 0 50.830835 -0.783215
PO19 8DT 2 2 50.830688 -0.782134
PO19 8DU 19 15 50.831562 -0.780484
PO19 8DW 1 1 50.832365 -0.790218
PO19 8DX 36 0 50.828684 -0.782177
PO19 8DY 3 0 50.828342 -0.782158
PO19 8DZ 6 0 50.828264 -0.783324
PO19 8EA 27 0 50.827902 -0.782254
PO19 8EB 1 1 50.829092 -0.775715
PO19 8ED 1 0 50.828701 -0.783781