all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 8SW 8 0 50.821546 -0.787602
PO19 8SX 6 0 50.822946 -0.787338
PO19 8SY 3 0 50.822949 -0.786714
PO19 8SZ 17 0 50.82268 -0.786777
PO19 8TA 19 0 50.823218 -0.789262
PO19 8TF 5 0 50.823475 -0.788049
PO19 8TB 19 0 50.822213 -0.792113
PO19 8TD 8 0 50.822284 -0.793773
PO19 8TE 12 0 50.823354 -0.790224
PO19 8TH 2 2 50.826532 -0.778565
PO19 8TL 2 2 50.831335 -0.784631
PO19 8TP 21 0 50.827132 -0.768019
PO19 8TU 1 1 50.82946 -0.7868
PO19 8TX 23 23 50.832266 -0.791939
PO19 8UD 1 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 8UE 12 11 50.83047 -0.788748
PO19 8UF 1 1 50.829455 -0.787184
PO19 8UJ 3 3 50.830747 -0.790289
PO19 8UL 9 8 50.832976 -0.792815
PO19 8UN 5 3 50.831577 -0.786206