all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 8HT 12 1 50.831171 -0.766388
PO19 8HU 12 0 50.828108 -0.766772
PO19 8HX 25 0 50.828646 -0.764841
PO19 8HY 16 0 50.827323 -0.764748
PO19 8JA 3 0 50.828478 -0.766024
PO19 8JB 17 0 50.828013 -0.764517
PO19 8JD 12 0 50.828011 -0.766065
PO19 8JE 7 0 50.827483 -0.76632
PO19 8JF 6 1 50.826892 -0.767386
PO19 8JG 27 1 50.828645 -0.767312
PO19 8JH 36 0 50.826813 -0.764222
PO19 8JQ 56 0 50.826438 -0.764445
PO19 8NS 17 9 50.831408 -0.755638
PO19 8NX 1 1 50.83148 -0.757382
PO19 8NY 17 16 50.829658 -0.756834
PO19 8PA 1 1 50.831681 -0.760231
PO19 8PB 2 1 50.829341 -0.760089
PO19 8PD 64 0 50.831417 -0.781212
PO19 8PE 4 4 50.830378 -0.76197
PO19 8PG 1 1 50.831446 -0.763447