all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9UR 44 0 50.899993 -1.028229
PO8 9US 16 0 50.907363 -1.021305
PO8 9UT 46 0 50.900543 -1.02944
PO8 9UU 25 0 50.900625 -1.030633
PO8 9UW 37 0 50.90005 -1.025355
PO8 9UX 8 0 50.900535 -1.031801
PO8 9UY 52 1 50.901679 -1.033013
PO8 9UZ 53 0 50.900729 -1.033461
PO8 9XA 45 0 50.900313 -1.034266
PO8 9XB 26 0 50.900603 -1.035654
PO8 9XD 12 0 50.900804 -1.03272
PO8 9XE 45 0 50.899306 -1.037614
PO8 9XF 54 0 50.899779 -1.037121
PO8 9XG 52 0 50.901053 -1.036753
PO8 9XH 41 0 50.901339 -1.03443
PO8 9XJ 41 0 50.899339 -1.039377
PO8 9XL 3 0 50.908962 -1.025439
PO8 9XN 36 0 50.900214 -1.037539
PO8 9XP 1 1 50.899841 -1.034844
PO8 9XQ 33 0 50.901906 -1.035541