all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 2DN 12 0 50.863896 -0.983821
PO9 2DP 20 0 50.864471 -0.983808
PO9 2DR 18 0 50.862342 -0.980956
PO9 2DS 33 0 50.863226 -0.979203
PO9 2DT 52 0 50.864679 -0.978702
PO9 2DU 16 0 50.862205 -0.979609
PO9 2DW 12 0 50.862837 -0.981968
PO9 2DX 36 0 50.864229 -0.980801
PO9 2DY 44 0 50.864845 -0.98228
PO9 2DZ 15 2 50.863837 -0.98216
PO9 2EA 24 0 50.863071 -0.980997
PO9 2EB 40 0 50.86212 -0.987453
PO9 2ED 40 0 50.86271 -0.98707
PO9 2EE 40 0 50.863297 -0.986333
PO9 2EF 40 0 50.863902 -0.985553
PO9 2EG 37 0 50.863255 -0.985666
PO9 2EH 6 0 50.86169 -0.980359
PO9 2EN 2 2 50.865963 -0.978461
PO9 2EQ 36 0 50.864762 -0.985209
PO9 2ER 1 1 50.851067 -0.978019