all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 3BN 47 1 53.804903 -2.598728
PR3 3BP 1 1 53.800289 -2.595747
PR3 3BQ 3 0 53.806012 -2.592487
PR3 3BS 1 1 53.827068 -2.609253
PR3 3BT 25 21 53.821877 -2.613796
PR3 3BU 4 2 53.825878 -2.603857
PR3 3EA 66 4 53.831328 -2.60576
PR3 3EB 14 6 53.832436 -2.606246
PR3 3ED 10 0 53.830822 -2.606391
PR3 3EE 14 2 53.830094 -2.60723
PR3 3EH 20 0 53.830228 -2.608342
PR3 3EJ 12 0 53.830759 -2.608031
PR3 3EL 31 0 53.831536 -2.610016
PR3 3EN 44 0 53.828041 -2.608918
PR3 3EP 52 0 53.822699 -2.61121
PR3 3EQ 21 0 53.82291 -2.609617
PR3 3ER 22 0 53.823774 -2.609311
PR3 3ES 5 0 53.824165 -2.607403
PR3 3ET 10 0 53.823534 -2.607104
PR3 3EU 24 0 53.820847 -2.612276