all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 3TW 39 0 53.834212 -2.598812
PR3 3TX 24 0 53.831127 -2.598523
PR3 3TY 5 0 53.827945 -2.5993
PR3 3TZ 1 1 53.830456 -2.600566
PR3 3UA 19 0 53.828927 -2.593525
PR3 3UB 10 0 53.829573 -2.59361
PR3 3UD 18 0 53.829468 -2.594139
PR3 3UE 5 0 53.834496 -2.592297
PR3 3WA 5 0 53.830899 -2.600997
PR3 3WB 6 0 53.830118 -2.600803
PR3 3WD 26 0 53.83221 -2.602035
PR3 3WE 33 0 53.83248 -2.60023
PR3 3WF 17 0 53.833172 -2.600119
PR3 3WG 10 0 53.830844 -2.600253
PR3 3WH 43 23 53.833048 -2.606194
PR3 3WJ 5 0 53.832646 -2.606402
PR3 3WL 5 0 53.83465 -2.606552
PR3 3WN 10 0 53.83336 -2.607385
PR3 3WP 2 0 53.832637 -2.607373
PR3 3WQ 4 3 53.832154 -2.607686