all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 3HD 7 0 53.834399 -2.602811
PR3 3HE 6 0 53.834469 -2.600577
PR3 3HF 6 0 53.834182 -2.601258
PR3 3HG 9 0 53.834646 -2.60014
PR3 3HH 10 0 53.834251 -2.601912
PR3 3HJ 38 4 53.833854 -2.600463
PR3 3HL 27 0 53.833766 -2.604563
PR3 3HN 12 0 53.833545 -2.603861
PR3 3HP 24 0 53.833264 -2.603326
PR3 3HQ 3 0 53.828726 -2.603215
PR3 3HR 11 0 53.833583 -2.602404
PR3 3HS 26 0 53.834059 -2.602547
PR3 3HT 31 3 53.832533 -2.603117
PR3 3HU 8 6 53.83199 -2.603808
PR3 3JA 42 24 53.830559 -2.601358
PR3 3JB 4 0 53.830644 -2.60063
PR3 3JD 5 1 53.829994 -2.599314
PR3 3JE 4 0 53.830101 -2.599604
PR3 3JF 9 0 53.830551 -2.602998
PR3 3JG 16 0 53.834674 -2.605261