all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 3EX 10 0 53.821696 -2.611422
PR3 3EY 1 0 53.832417 -2.603755
PR3 3EZ 1 1 53.823305 -2.608667
PR3 3FD 8 0 53.830176 -2.606199
PR3 3FE 30 4 53.829917 -2.607654
PR3 3FH 23 0 53.830606 -2.608256
PR3 3FJ 22 0 53.831417 -2.608799
PR3 3FL 8 0 53.830651 -2.609213
PR3 3FN 31 0 53.827853 -2.608657
PR3 3FP 62 0 53.823048 -2.61161
PR3 3FQ 32 2 53.821898 -2.60968
PR3 3FR 14 0 53.824302 -2.608773
PR3 3FS 16 0 53.823977 -2.607325
PR3 3FT 44 0 53.82056 -2.609326
PR3 3FU 14 0 53.822098 -2.610898
PR3 3FX 12 0 53.820615 -2.610998
PR3 3FY 12 0 53.820039 -2.612142
PR3 3GN 1 1 53.83383 -2.597986
PR3 3HA 46 0 53.834882 -2.601526
PR3 3HB 6 0 53.834828 -2.603212