all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 0DE 7 0 53.78319 -2.758564
PR4 0DF 8 0 53.784253 -2.758188
PR4 0DG 15 0 53.786793 -2.756033
PR4 0HA 3 1 53.791462 -2.781908
PR4 0HB 35 2 53.800777 -2.783854
PR4 0HD 3 0 53.804898 -2.780499
PR4 0HE 15 3 53.807303 -2.786834
PR4 0HH 50 1 53.817768 -2.795977
PR4 0HL 13 2 53.813549 -2.788318
PR4 0HN 15 1 53.813187 -2.800993
PR4 0HP 9 0 53.814764 -2.794917
PR4 0HQ 1 1 53.815062 -2.79869
PR4 0HR 3 0 53.81468 -2.803083
PR4 0HS 4 0 53.820852 -2.803904
PR4 0HT 9 0 53.822987 -2.803246
PR4 0HU 14 0 53.818009 -2.806918
PR4 0HX 8 0 53.817059 -2.811912
PR4 0HY 16 1 53.811654 -2.79905
PR4 0JA 16 1 53.804214 -2.795902
PR4 0JB 20 0 53.805826 -2.802235