all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 4BF 30 0 53.736932 -2.69092
PR5 4BG 2 1 53.750429 -2.678672
PR5 4BH 15 0 53.74769 -2.664059
PR5 4BJ 25 0 53.749055 -2.659425
PR5 4BL 14 0 53.748906 -2.658846
PR5 4BN 5 0 53.748363 -2.659444
PR5 4BP 20 0 53.751256 -2.654743
PR5 4BQ 28 0 53.746967 -2.661606
PR5 4BT 14 0 53.747038 -2.660136
PR5 4BU 20 0 53.747769 -2.661285
PR5 4BX 18 0 53.747273 -2.663142
PR5 4BY 23 0 53.750741 -2.677922
PR5 4DA 14 0 53.743714 -2.643405
PR5 4DB 45 1 53.744804 -2.641239
PR5 4DD 26 0 53.744934 -2.642165
PR5 4DE 51 0 53.744094 -2.641213
PR5 4DH 2 2 53.743253 -2.64341
PR5 4DJ 56 31 53.742754 -2.642493
PR5 4DL 3 0 53.740177 -2.64088
PR5 4DN 29 4 53.742059 -2.643471