all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 4QU 28 0 53.740695 -2.675759
PR5 4QW 2 0 53.741477 -2.673797
PR5 4QX 40 0 53.7427 -2.675685
PR5 4RA 26 0 53.735768 -2.664841
PR5 4RB 34 0 53.736004 -2.666012
PR5 4RD 24 0 53.734954 -2.664146
PR5 4RE 25 0 53.73395 -2.665176
PR5 4RH 10 0 53.734413 -2.666063
PR5 4RJ 24 0 53.734738 -2.665734
PR5 4RL 16 1 53.737073 -2.66615
PR5 4RN 29 0 53.734688 -2.668204
PR5 4RP 44 0 53.733038 -2.667557
PR5 4RQ 27 0 53.73239 -2.669396
PR5 4RR 16 0 53.735541 -2.668491
PR5 4RS 14 0 53.735036 -2.667209
PR5 4RT 14 0 53.733823 -2.6686
PR5 4RU 41 0 53.733147 -2.669014
PR5 4RX 20 0 53.732942 -2.668616
PR5 4RY 6 0 53.731757 -2.670022
PR5 4TA 23 0 53.735348 -2.669276