all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 4DP 14 0 53.741193 -2.645747
PR5 4DQ 1 1 53.74204 -2.645411
PR5 4DR 31 0 53.741641 -2.642782
PR5 4DS 16 0 53.741938 -2.642544
PR5 4DT 18 0 53.742056 -2.642334
PR5 4DU 26 0 53.741346 -2.642338
PR5 4DW 8 0 53.741067 -2.642455
PR5 4DX 9 0 53.741094 -2.641952
PR5 4DY 31 3 53.740893 -2.641482
PR5 4DZ 6 5 53.744204 -2.630585
PR5 4EA 3 2 53.740843 -2.640754
PR5 4EB 14 0 53.739713 -2.638553
PR5 4ED 38 0 53.740005 -2.634237
PR5 4EE 14 0 53.740387 -2.635092
PR5 4EF 20 0 53.739599 -2.636308
PR5 4EH 57 1 53.740733 -2.625848
PR5 4EL 5 0 53.745407 -2.624007
PR5 4EN 13 1 53.750455 -2.629723
PR5 4EP 10 0 53.751689 -2.647361
PR5 4EQ 48 0 53.743497 -2.640172