all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 4ER 17 0 53.740811 -2.638191
PR5 4FE 30 1 53.740684 -2.636779
PR5 4GA 28 0 53.742792 -2.673746
PR5 4GB 36 0 53.742218 -2.675071
PR5 4GD 16 0 53.741328 -2.675087
PR5 4GE 44 0 53.740009 -2.671549
PR5 4GJ 12 0 53.738596 -2.673345
PR5 4GL 24 0 53.739125 -2.673642
PR5 4GN 13 0 53.739675 -2.673438
PR5 4GP 16 0 53.74135 -2.672783
PR5 4GQ 12 0 53.739064 -2.674975
PR5 4GR 8 0 53.739403 -2.675284
PR5 4GS 8 0 53.740246 -2.675782
PR5 4GT 26 0 53.740119 -2.674234
PR5 4HA 13 0 53.747091 -2.669963
PR5 4HB 27 0 53.74646 -2.668816
PR5 4HD 46 1 53.74631 -2.666706
PR5 4HE 9 0 53.747453 -2.669499
PR5 4HH 12 0 53.746747 -2.667304
PR5 4HJ 3 0 53.747111 -2.667962