all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 5XL 14 0 53.725996 -2.682753
PR5 5XN 34 0 53.72636 -2.683395
PR5 5XP 6 0 53.718784 -2.680121
PR5 5XQ 3 0 53.716211 -2.680166
PR5 5XR 1 0 53.716418 -2.682128
PR5 5XS 1 0 53.716947 -2.685531
PR5 5XT 6 0 53.715897 -2.685241
PR5 5XU 7 1 53.720825 -2.681332
PR5 5XW 14 0 53.726019 -2.675402
PR5 5XX 14 0 53.733465 -2.679645
PR5 5XY 50 0 53.731659 -2.682617
PR5 5YA 60 0 53.730965 -2.682894
PR5 5YB 16 0 53.732908 -2.679545
PR5 5YD 21 0 53.723096 -2.678947
PR5 5YE 13 0 53.72482 -2.680915
PR5 5YH 11 0 53.724132 -2.680192
PR5 5YJ 48 0 53.724491 -2.677091
PR5 5YL 17 0 53.72537 -2.680515
PR5 5YN 9 0 53.725167 -2.678299
PR5 5YQ 68 0 53.725696 -2.678489