all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 5HL 19 0 53.72034 -2.689435
PR5 5HN 5 0 53.720578 -2.690121
PR5 5HP 21 0 53.72106 -2.690796
PR5 5HR 39 4 53.721927 -2.688154
PR5 5HT 4 0 53.722039 -2.689357
PR5 5HU 7 0 53.722104 -2.68904
PR5 5HX 26 0 53.722128 -2.688009
PR5 5HY 10 0 53.722422 -2.688469
PR5 5JA 21 0 53.722587 -2.687835
PR5 5JB 29 0 53.726889 -2.694726
PR5 5JD 42 9 53.725685 -2.69604
PR5 5JE 10 1 53.724928 -2.699558
PR5 5JF 1 1 53.72084 -2.686761
PR5 5JG 18 0 53.722868 -2.693705
PR5 5JH 8 0 53.72511 -2.696121
PR5 5JJ 6 0 53.725429 -2.695323
PR5 5JL 24 0 53.724226 -2.696637
PR5 5JN 18 0 53.72426 -2.695455
PR5 5JP 22 0 53.723864 -2.69701
PR5 5JQ 34 0 53.723736 -2.697402