all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 5BE 14 0 53.725219 -2.675526
PR5 5BF 19 0 53.723795 -2.676079
PR5 5BG 12 0 53.724168 -2.675358
PR5 5BH 37 0 53.726261 -2.685091
PR5 5BJ 32 1 53.726783 -2.686218
PR5 5BL 10 0 53.726238 -2.685894
PR5 5BN 10 0 53.725485 -2.68567
PR5 5BP 5 0 53.72548 -2.686533
PR5 5BQ 29 0 53.72643 -2.688534
PR5 5BS 12 0 53.728718 -2.687723
PR5 5BT 41 1 53.724951 -2.686252
PR5 5BU 14 0 53.724533 -2.687094
PR5 5EY 24 0 53.726229 -2.69379
PR5 5GH 1 0 53.733169 -2.658509
PR5 5HA 45 2 53.722113 -2.685872
PR5 5HB 23 2 53.721965 -2.68626
PR5 5HD 11 1 53.721618 -2.685986
PR5 5HE 10 0 53.720914 -2.684838
PR5 5HH 15 0 53.72101 -2.685415
PR5 5HJ 10 0 53.721554 -2.687636