all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 5JR 12 0 53.723405 -2.698609
PR5 5JS 26 0 53.72212 -2.698618
PR5 5JT 6 0 53.722311 -2.697965
PR5 5JU 5 0 53.722239 -2.698271
PR5 5JW 8 0 53.722526 -2.698412
PR5 5JX 23 0 53.721646 -2.698231
PR5 5JY 6 0 53.722298 -2.695862
PR5 5JZ 18 0 53.722939 -2.692281
PR5 5LA 35 2 53.724117 -2.693801
PR5 5LB 33 0 53.724313 -2.692455
PR5 5LD 6 0 53.723905 -2.691585
PR5 5LE 71 3 53.722819 -2.683338
PR5 5LF 23 0 53.723569 -2.684229
PR5 5LG 58 0 53.723837 -2.684537
PR5 5LH 30 0 53.722724 -2.684382
PR5 5LJ 25 0 53.72181 -2.683852
PR5 5LL 31 0 53.721737 -2.687079
PR5 5LN 32 0 53.723047 -2.685918
PR5 5LP 6 6 53.721096 -2.688959
PR5 5LQ 23 0 53.722236 -2.69421