all postcodes in RG4 / READING

find any address or company within the RG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG4 9SZ 9 0 51.519917 -0.979769
RG4 9TA 29 2 51.519732 -0.981258
RG4 9TB 29 0 51.521004 -0.983795
RG4 9TD 43 0 51.519577 -0.984902
RG4 9TE 33 1 51.519795 -0.98437
RG4 9TF 16 0 51.519315 -0.980907
RG4 9TG 15 0 51.521991 -0.985618
RG4 9TH 20 0 51.522139 -0.985111
RG4 9TJ 20 0 51.52143 -0.984261
RG4 9TL 6 0 51.518615 -0.985146
RG4 9TS 21 0 51.520177 -0.98279
RG4 9RE 0 51.517563 -0.976925
RG4 9RA 3 51.466191 -0.939041
RG4 9AF 0 51.528934 -1.001509
RG4 9JJ 7 0 51.504893 -0.969645
RG4 9AQ 6 0 51.51557 -1.009742
RG4 9AW 0 51.51645 -0.981274
RG4 9SQ 6 0 51.516644 -0.980837
RG4 9BW 1 0 51.489396 -0.994833
RG4 9DB 0 51.510861 -0.975268