all postcodes in RG4 / READING

find any address or company within the RG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG4 9PA 6 5 51.519669 -0.969622
RG4 9PB 8 6 51.49325 -0.954595
RG4 9PE 6 0 51.49126 -0.956268
RG4 9PG 1 0 51.492834 -0.944205
RG4 9PH 2 1 51.49174 -0.946356
RG4 9PJ 1 0 51.492791 -0.943442
RG4 9PL 1 0 51.495626 -0.93979
RG4 9PN 2 0 51.495301 -0.938365
RG4 9PP 1 0 51.491028 -0.938413
RG4 9PQ 4 1 51.494263 -0.944143
RG4 9PR 1 0 51.489708 -0.937665
RG4 9PS 3 0 51.488712 -0.945783
RG4 9PT 1 0 51.491038 -0.946536
RG4 9PU 1 0 51.487217 -0.945515
RG4 9PW 1 0 51.496085 -0.940831
RG4 9PX 1 0 51.488035 -0.946591
RG4 9PY 2 0 51.487956 -0.944528
RG4 9QA 2 0 51.482121 -0.942689
RG4 9QD 9 1 51.489598 -0.939396
RG4 9QE 3 0 51.488024 -0.937373