all postcodes in RG4 / READING

find any address or company within the RG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG4 9QF 2 0 51.479425 -0.936905
RG4 9QG 10 1 51.489498 -0.935337
RG4 9QH 2 0 51.490112 -0.935317
RG4 9QJ 2 0 51.488487 -0.936594
RG4 9QL 8 0 51.487283 -0.93693
RG4 9QN 2 1 51.480576 -0.935856
RG4 9QP 2 0 51.478976 -0.933906
RG4 9QR 2 0 51.480528 -0.931537
RG4 9QS 8 0 51.479921 -0.93425
RG4 9QT 3 0 51.479711 -0.936818
RG4 9QU 7 1 51.479014 -0.934328
RG4 9QX 2 0 51.479046 -0.934682
RG4 9QY 2 0 51.479191 -0.934895
RG4 9RB 3 1 51.483905 -0.927431
RG4 9RD 1 1 51.478085 -0.93206
RG4 9RF 12 0 51.510235 -0.973861
RG4 9RG 39 1 51.509342 -0.975611
RG4 9RH 37 3 51.515507 -0.980401
RG4 9RJ 1 1 51.515415 -0.979121
RG4 9RL 37 0 51.515855 -0.980733