all postcodes in RG4 / READING

find any address or company within the RG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG4 9RN 15 1 51.517554 -0.975859
RG4 9RP 14 1 51.517463 -0.976783
RG4 9RR 17 0 51.519199 -0.976874
RG4 9RS 18 1 51.520872 -0.976923
RG4 9RT 3 0 51.521304 -0.976913
RG4 9RU 31 0 51.520241 -0.977788
RG4 9RX 32 0 51.520046 -0.978138
RG4 9RY 25 0 51.520526 -0.977464
RG4 9SA 10 0 51.52 -0.975847
RG4 9SH 23 0 51.513567 -0.986829
RG4 9SJ 44 6 51.516638 -0.981883
RG4 9SL 57 8 51.516938 -0.982265
RG4 9SN 8 0 51.516263 -0.983497
RG4 9SP 25 0 51.518489 -0.980018
RG4 9SR 18 0 51.517955 -0.977493
RG4 9SS 19 0 51.520018 -0.978974
RG4 9SU 23 4 51.519698 -0.9794
RG4 9SW 1 1 51.515603 -0.982114
RG4 9SX 1 1 51.520571 -0.980504
RG4 9SY 5 0 51.519235 -0.979914