all postcodes in RM16 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM16 2DY 0 51.499887 0.324662
RM16 2DZ 0 51.498764 0.324619
RM16 2EA 0 51.499372 0.32295
RM16 2EB 0 51.49931 0.326088
RM16 2ED 0 51.500233 0.325818
RM16 2EH 0 51.498198 0.325469
RM16 2EJ 0 51.498038 0.324942
RM16 2EP 0 51.493943 0.335107
RM16 2ER 0 51.493987 0.335527
RM16 2ET 0 51.496865 0.333744
RM16 2EU 0 51.497346 0.33214
RM16 2EX 0 51.498758 0.333956
RM16 2GA 0 51.488127 0.348884
RM16 2GB 0 51.490437 0.349377
RM16 2GD 0 51.491127 0.350406
RM16 2GE 0 51.488249 0.347349
RM16 2GF 0 51.487812 0.347528
RM16 2GG 3 51.487352 0.350774
RM16 2GH 0 51.488189 0.352502
RM16 2GJ 1 51.48798 0.354422