all postcodes in RM16 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM16 2JB 0 51.498004 0.327577
RM16 2JD 0 51.498184 0.327082
RM16 2JH 0 51.501369 0.336049
RM16 2JT 0 51.491764 0.340124
RM16 2JU 3 51.491708 0.340712
RM16 2JX 0 51.493845 0.340404
RM16 2LA 0 51.494577 0.339764
RM16 2LB 0 51.495275 0.339526
RM16 2LD 2 51.49689 0.339249
RM16 2LH 1 51.498051 0.338732
RM16 2LJ 0 51.499248 0.338231
RM16 2LL 0 51.50068 0.337685
RM16 2LN 0 51.497432 0.340011
RM16 2LP 0 51.502095 0.337109
RM16 2LR 0 51.498883 0.339884
RM16 2LS 0 51.499817 0.338174
RM16 2LT 0 51.500253 0.338801
RM16 2LU 0 51.500462 0.340051
RM16 2LW 0 51.49769 0.341494
RM16 2LY 0 51.50061 0.338503