all postcodes in RM16 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM16 2NA 0 51.490588 0.337759
RM16 2NJ 0 51.493731 0.341608
RM16 2NL 0 51.49494 0.343212
RM16 2NP 0 51.494666 0.343428
RM16 2NR 0 51.494629 0.345731
RM16 2NS 0 51.494239 0.34502
RM16 2NT 0 51.495656 0.342499
RM16 2NU 0 51.495434 0.342819
RM16 2NX 0 51.490741 0.338228
RM16 2PA 0 51.496374 0.343919
RM16 2PJ 0 51.495351 0.321636
RM16 2PN 0 51.495049 0.319676
RM16 2PL 0 51.495634 0.324618
RM16 2PP 0 51.496068 0.327277
RM16 2PR 0 51.495644 0.328653
RM16 2PS 0 51.495762 0.330388
RM16 2PT 0 51.495511 0.332608
RM16 2PU 0 51.495334 0.334746
RM16 2PX 1 51.496376 0.336225
RM16 2PY 1 51.496376 0.336225