all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 4UW 44 0 53.365808 -1.315249
S26 4UX 53 0 53.361728 -1.331107
S26 4UY 42 0 53.361208 -1.331476
S26 4UZ 4 0 53.363538 -1.328644
S26 4WA 34 11 53.363425 -1.316594
S26 4WB 47 7 53.363703 -1.308791
S26 4WD 27 9 53.362997 -1.317097
S26 4WE 26 0 53.363104 -1.310829
S26 4WF 34 0 53.365593 -1.320106
S26 4WG 30 0 53.364503 -1.315014
S26 4WH 17 1 53.363123 -1.314195
S26 4WJ 3 0 53.362823 -1.308865
S26 4WL 18 0 53.361611 -1.328058
S26 4XB 0 53.362313 -1.33777
S26 4XA 6 0 53.361843 -1.337236
S26 4NF 22 0 53.362336 -1.324335
S26 4QA 24 2 53.363651 -1.319987
S26 4QB 0 53.36389 -1.319277
S26 4QD 0 53.364521 -1.319657
S26 4QE 0 53.364831 -1.320269