all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 5QL 22 0 53.341681 -1.297957
S26 5QN 11 2 53.341212 -1.284132
S26 5QQ 1 1 53.343397 -1.273806
S26 5QS 40 0 53.34313 -1.278647
S26 5QT 44 2 53.343495 -1.278146
S26 5QU 40 0 53.340519 -1.279563
S26 5RB 15 0 53.340903 -1.280532
S26 5RE 37 1 53.341267 -1.279865
S26 5RF 43 1 53.338643 -1.278468
S26 5RG 38 0 53.33899 -1.279318
S26 5RL 10 0 53.342683 -1.29716
S26 5RN 3 0 53.344292 -1.314181
S26 5RR 4 0 53.342069 -1.282797
S26 5RS 20 1 53.344073 -1.280059
S26 5RT 27 0 53.341821 -1.279255
S26 5RU 35 0 53.342197 -1.280496
S26 5RW 27 0 53.342442 -1.280927
S26 5SA 3 0 53.344454 -1.280683
S26 5UA 25 0 53.346326 -1.282484
S26 5RD 5 0 53.341316 -1.283544