all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 5PB 6 0 53.347799 -1.282279
S26 5PD 61 0 53.344084 -1.281966
S26 5PR 8 0 53.349168 -1.28122
S26 5PE 5 1 53.341817 -1.296633
S26 5PF 1 1 53.344789 -1.300775
S26 5PH 22 0 53.34236 -1.276302
S26 5PJ 8 0 53.341615 -1.276435
S26 5PL 51 0 53.337948 -1.273569
S26 5PN 1 1 53.347547 -1.298927
S26 5PP 9 0 53.34083 -1.284949
S26 5PQ 43 35 53.349517 -1.300323
S26 5PW 4 0 53.342515 -1.278117
S26 5PX 7 0 53.33841 -1.280139
S26 5PY 12 8 53.349477 -1.298235
S26 5PZ 16 0 53.343922 -1.278935
S26 5QD 17 0 53.339657 -1.279592
S26 5QF 30 0 53.341649 -1.286588
S26 5QG 28 5 53.340986 -1.285382
S26 5QH 6 0 53.340549 -1.288949
S26 5QJ 50 2 53.34136 -1.29197