all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 5PT 78 0 53.337934 -1.278645
S26 5PU 38 0 53.337613 -1.280153
S26 5NU 16 53.345297 -1.296846
S26 5QR 84 0 53.336901 -1.278318
S26 5ND 0 53.344282 -1.294069
S26 5QA 11 0 53.342573 -1.284695
S26 5RH 4 0 53.340083 -1.275875
S26 5QB 0 53.343093 -1.283109
S26 5RP 0 53.343572 -1.29713
S26 5AA 3 0 53.341315 -1.287465
S26 5QP 0 53.33757 -1.279042
S26 5QE 0 53.337886 -1.280809
S26 6LD 22 0 53.342583 -1.260889
S26 6LF 6 0 53.339038 -1.255032
S26 6LG 20 0 53.340409 -1.268496
S26 6LJ 33 0 53.342042 -1.25528
S26 6LR 16 1 53.340572 -1.267127
S26 6LU 54 0 53.341633 -1.253109
S26 6LW 20 0 53.340295 -1.269323
S26 6NA 10 0 53.339989 -1.255677