all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7HY 0 53.384695 -1.479559
S3 7DF 1 1 53.385745 -1.472901
S3 7LU 0 53.387988 -1.480286
S3 7LW 0 53.387862 -1.480152
S3 7AZ 0 53.384651 -1.48165
S3 7BF 0 53.375601 -1.478031
S3 7BW 0 53.375574 -1.477972
S3 7DJ 50 0 53.385907 -1.477019
S3 7DN 50 0 53.386133 -1.477377
S3 7DP 57 0 53.386142 -1.477392
S3 7DR 41 0 53.386302 -1.476863
S3 8AA 9 5 53.395676 -1.484975
S3 8AB 35 16 53.397131 -1.484717
S3 8AG 11 8 53.398961 -1.483807
S3 8AH 1 1 53.395056 -1.482862
S3 8AS 8 8 53.394677 -1.47846
S3 8AT 6 5 53.393465 -1.478791
S3 8AW 10 10 53.394312 -1.483352
S3 8AU 11 9 53.393917 -1.479402
S3 8BD 7 5 53.393255 -1.476041