all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7SD 37 0 53.378547 -1.479574
S3 7HN 20 0 53.383565 -1.482099
S3 7AQ 0 53.3849 -1.472957
S3 7AT 1 53.384801 -1.472838
S3 7GT 88 0 53.385135 -1.479344
S3 7GY 43 0 53.385224 -1.479237
S3 7GA 83 0 53.383969 -1.480004
S3 7GB 1 53.38498 -1.478895
S3 7AU 2 53.386344 -1.476292
S3 7QY 1 1 53.380936 -1.483213
S3 7RA 2 2 53.381594 -1.483611
S3 7EF 14 0 53.388759 -1.479751
S3 7AD 57 0 53.384282 -1.481654
S3 7AP 45 0 53.384084 -1.481567
S3 7AN 0 53.384374 -1.482149
S3 7BG 0 53.385974 -1.471755
S3 7BH 1 53.3859 -1.471441
S3 7HB 0 53.383225 -1.482464
S3 7HD 0 53.3839 -1.482726
S3 7BP 22 0 53.384442 -1.479232